Grammar School
Kindergarten through 5th grade
We partner with homeschool families, providing classroom instruction 2 days per week. The teachers send home a detailed assignment sheet of what the students are to do at home with their parents on the other three days of the week. The Study Center is available to students in Kindergarten through fifth grade at the Peninsula Campus only. Study Center students can participate in any club, sport, and an optional art class on Fridays, helping to meet the requirements for fine arts and physical education.
Our academic curriculum is rigorous and taught by teachers who love their subjects and love to help their students succeed. Students study truth, beauty, and goodness and develop tools for learning that will serve them for a lifetime. Ultimately, our students study all subjects through the lens of Scripture, and our aim is that their studies will point them towards their Creator.
Heritage offers 2 tracks to meet the needs of our families:
The need to train young people to think deeply and cultivate a biblical worldview has never been greater. With a time-tested methodology that draws on the strengths of children as they grow and a curriculum that develops a lifelong love of learning, classical Christian schools provide children with the means to think and live for the glory of Jesus Christ. Students educated in classical Christian schools not only perform at high levels academically, but they are also equipped with a biblical worldview that withstands the challenges of higher education and beyond.
Many families desire a joy-filled, rigorous, and Christ-honoring education for their children. In the Academy, students attend classes on a traditional five days per week schedule. This traditional five-day program is available to students in Kindergarten and up and offers a classical, Christian education.
At the Academy, the following special classes are offered: art, music, chorale, and physical education.
Curriculum Distinctives
Our students build a wide base of factual knowledge through recitations, chants, and jingles! Memory work includes history facts, Bible passages, basics of science, and much more. Bible passages that are memorized in these years include Psalm 1, Psalm 130, Genesis 1:14-19, Exodus 20, Psalm 90, Matthew 5-7, and many more! A small sampling of the memory topics include geography, the books of the Bible, the First through Tenth Amendments, the Periodic Table, the Constitution, the Apostles' Creed, Newton's Law of Motion, and the Gettysburg Address.
Our study of history begins in first grade, when students marvel at the engineering of the Egyptian pyramids and learn how the earliest civilizations around the globe took shape. Second graders explore the development of societies in the middle ages. Our older students cycle back through history, focusing more intensely on the ancient Greeks and Romans, returning to the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation, then turning to American history with a solid foundation of the ideas that gave shape to the founding of our nation.
Studying Latin teaches and greatly reinforces English grammar. Since more than 60% of English words have a Latin root, learning Latin boosts English vocabulary. Latin is also the base of the Romance languages; therefore, studying Latin at an early age provides a foundation for Spanish, French, and others.
Our search for truth, goodness, and beauty begins early. Even our youngest students study great literature, learning to appreciate language, ideas, and virtue.
We recognize hard work and restful contemplation both have a role in education, so we don’t pursue academic rigor at the cost of our students’ wellbeing. We value family, church, community engagement, and rest. That’s one reason why our full-time students are not burdened by excessive homework.